Donnerstag, 27. August 2009

Dinos in Urstein

Yes, its true. Some scientist (Dr. X.) must have found a way to get to the blood of mosquitos, forgotten for thousands of years in amber, to reproduce Dinosaurs! Cuz´ check this out pliz!

I mean, look at that picture! No doubt! We asked a real doctor to that case and here´s what he said:

Doctor: Yes, its true...

See! Man...real dinosaurs! Oh yea! Whats next, laser rifles!?

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…


Jot hat gesagt…
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David hat gesagt…

NEXT on Campus TV: Flying MMAs from the 6th floor.

Dr. X hat gesagt…

Dr. X is never wrong.

@Anonym: You are as brave as your comment isn't generic.

As to say with your words: FAIL! :P

p4 hat gesagt…

datta damm damm damm! (soll sich wie terminator soundtrack anhörn)


Jot hat gesagt…

hehe oh yea!