Donnerstag, 3. September 2009

Could not sleep in last night...

This is what made me piss my pants when I was younger. And this is still what makes me do the same now. One of it because it is funny like hell, the other one because it´s more scary than anything else I know.

It - by Stephen King

My cousin told me this story when I was about ten. And believe me, he was a damn good story teller. We were on vacation in Parga - greece, and we were living in a small hut-house sourounded by a pretty big orange garden (I remember it somehow hippie-like). My cousin told me and my brother a chapter each day (did i mention that he could tell storys like a master!?). After 2 weeks, I could not sleep, i could not go to the bathroom alone and I just wanted to hear how the kids in the book kill this monster. Really, if my cousin would never have told me, I could not sleep in well to the present day. When I saw the movie, I did not even blink. Dont missunderstand me, its a great movie (and a fantastic stephen king movie!!), but the story in my head was much more cruel, horrible and scary!

Meet the burbs

Ahhhh ...again, another good movie memory with my brother. I cant remember any movie, beside Hot Shots 2, that was so funny to me as a kid, than mee the burbs. I still love watching it, and now, that i have been to the us and that i have seen some suburbs and esp. THIS SUBURB in the UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, i like the movie even more. I dont want to tell you any joke of this one, please - just watch the movie. It is geniously briliant!
Ey Mr Rumsfield!

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